Pakistani women cricket player : Ayesha Zafar bio

Personal Profile

Full nameAyesha Zafar
Born9 July 1994 (age 28)
Sialkot, Pakistan
BowlingRight-arm leg break
Batting & Fielding

Ayesha Zafar’s wealth:
Famous Pakistani cricketer Ayesha Zafar is valued between $1 and $9 million. Her birthday is September 9, 1994, and Sialkot, Pakistan, is where she was born.

Ayesha is described as a great cricket player who was born in the year 1994 on She is included among Pakistan’s wealthiest people. Her middle name is Zafar, and her first name is Ayesha.

Ayesha Zafar’s life story:

Ayesha Zafar’s quick bio includes her wiki, birthday, body measurements, height and weight, early relationships, extramarital affairs, dating relationships, breakup rumors, and other details.

Birthday of Ayesha Zafar

On September 9, 1994, a Friday, in Sialkot, Pakistan, Ayesha Zafar was born.

Age of Ayesha Zafar

At 27 years old, she. Ayesha Zafar is of Pakistani descent and has the Virgo zodiac sign.

Height of Ayesha Zafar

The Depthbio Database indicates that Ayesha Zafar’s height and weight are unknown.

Ayesha Zafar’s body measurements, including her bust, hips, and waist, as well as her shoe and eye sizes and favorite outfits, will be updated in the near future.

Personal and family information

Check Ayesha Zafar’s marital status now. – Spouse/Partner: Who is dating Ayesha Zafar? Do Ayesha Zafar and your partner have a child? Son or daughter. Look at Ayesha Zafar’s former hookups and relationships.

Ayesha Zafar is a reclusive individual who keeps his private and sexual relationships a secret. Please check back often as we will continue to add the most recent details regarding Ayesha Zafar’s relationship to this page.

The worth of Ayesha Zafar

Visit How Much Money Does Ayesha Zafar Make? to learn more. What is Ayesha Zafar’s total property worth, source of income, number of cars she owns, and how much money does she make every year/month?

Ayesha Zafar’s estimated net worth is between $1 and $9 million, according on depthbio research on Wikipedia, Forbes, IMDb, and other web sources. She has made a respectable living as a popular pop singer.

Appearance in social media

Visit Ayesha Zafar’s official Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, and YouTube blogs to see why she has so many friends and followers on these platforms. If the Ayesha Zafar website and other media platforms are accessible online, we will include them.

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